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Welcome back...safely

So as the world re-opens for business, we too are taking "gentle" steps back to a new normal. The temptation to dive right in and hug everyone and throw away the face coverings is overwhelming and yet the volume of people I mix with on a daily basis, would pose such a risk to you and therefore I will be taking a more measured approach.

A face visor/mask and hand sanitiser will be used at every family meeting and ceremony, only being removed once I am at a "safe-space" distance, for your protection.

Our lovely little "garden room" meeting space will remain closed pending a further risk assessment mid this space for more info!

In the meantime we have returned to face to face home visits but will continue to do our Lateral Flow tests weekly and ask that you respectfully do not ask us to your home if anyone has Covid-19 symptoms or is awaiting a test result as this potentially presents a risk to every family we meet following onwards.

We love looking after your ceremonies and writing your love stories...please help us to keep our promise to be there for other families too.

Keep safe, take care, we are in this together





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