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Monthly Blog ...thoughts of a Funeral Celebrant

So today started so well and the words were flowing beautifully, I was really "feeling" the love flowing through my fingers in every word typed for sadly - a young lady taken too soon from her loved ones. The phone interrupted my work, a call from a lovely local Funeral Director (FD) who was asking me to check my Diary; as a family I had the honour of supporting during the Lockdown of 2020 - had recommended me to support their friend who had lost a loved one and wanted me to be there for them again. Always such an honour to be requested xxx

Unfortunately the date had been chosen - by their FD and this had already been communicated and shared out to other family and was therefore not flexible - my diary was fully booked with other services!

This completely threw me - I felt guilty for not having the space to accommodate this lovely family and upset that a request they made - at a difficult time - was not able to be fulfilled.... my whole focus went from what I was doing - to one of disappointment for the family - but what could have made that situation better?

On reflection there was nothing I could do - the Funeral Director was in effect the "gate-keeper" in this scenario and they have diaries to manage and families to support so I do understand that - but it was so sad; sad for the family who had recommended me and sad for the family who were expecting me to be their Celebrant!

I cannot "clone" me.... or.... be in two places at once ! So I knew my guilt was unfounded - frustratingly there was nothing I could have done differently in that situation.

So I suppose the moral of this story is... - yes there are some families who will ring me directly and check my availability before going with the FD's chosen availability and there will always be times when I just cannot physically be available for them... and I just have to accept that is how it will be... and remember that I only need to feel guilty for the things that don't work out - that are fully under my control.

My telephone is always on (07887584125 ) for anyone wanting to check my diary availability and I suppose that is, as accessible as I can be!

I do hope that the family are truly comfortable with the Celebrant that supports them through their loss.

But now, back to refocussing and writing for my "forever young" lady... Creating Memories with life stories and love stories xxx


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