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If you could hold your funeral in a setting that was truly meaningful to you....where would it be?

If you could hold your funeral in a setting that was truly meaningful to you....where would it be?

What day of the week, would you choose?

What time of the day/night?And why?

Did you know all this was possible?

Did you know that you can talk to us in confidence, about your thoughts and the options available to you?

At Creating Memories we believe in choice, your ideas, your beliefs, your decisions and we craft a ceremony which truly reflects you.

Tell your loved ones your wishes today or better still write them down so when the time comes, your loved ones know they are doing right by your wishes.

I know it feels a taboo subject to us, but talking about it doesn't bring it any closer, but it can help our loved ones so much, if we share our thoughts with them.

Planning ahead is not just about pre-paid funeral plans... that's a whole different topic...for another day!!!! 

Sadly this is a journey we will all take, so why not try to make it easier for the ones we leave behind ...for me it's natural to talk about funerals, it is after all my every day reality.

So if you have any questions..I'm ready to listen and here to help.


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Life is all about... Creating Memories

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